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Praakritik Organic Saunf – 100 g


Seller : Praakritik

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Our Organic Saunf or fennel seeds are bursting with a light and sweet anise-like flavour. They are packed with nutrients and are used for seasoning food and in traditional medicines. In India, fennel seeds are a household essential that is also consumed as an after-meal digestive.

Sourced from certified organic farms in Rajasthan and Gujarat our Organic Fennel seeds are a good source of copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, Vitamin C, iron, selenium and magnesium.

Saunf helps control blood pressure and flushes out toxins or excess fluids from the body. It also aids indigestion, constipation, IBS, and bloating. Fennel seeds have been used in Ayurveda to reduce all 3 Doshas i.e Kapha, Pitta and Vata.

Quantity : 100 g

SKU: P15 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 100 g
How to use

Dry roast the Saunf seeds in a pan over low heat until they release a fragrant aroma.
Let the roasted seeds cool, then grind them using a mortar and pestle or a spice grinder to make Saunf powder (optional).
Use a clean spoon or measuring spoon to scoop out the desired amount of Saunf seeds or powder.
Saunf seeds can be chewed after meals for digestion or used in spice blends, pickles, or teas.
Add Saunf powder to recipes for a mild and sweet licorice-like flavor.
It complements seafood, poultry, and vegetable dishes.
Store Saunf seeds or powder in a cool, dry place to maintain freshness.
Enjoy the aromatic and refreshing taste of Organic Saunf in your culinary creations.