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Bio Basics Unrefined Raw Cane Sugar, 2 Kg


Seller : Biobasics

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Bio Basic’s raw cane sugar is unique as it is prepared in-farm, through traditional methods from organically grown sugar cane. It is brown in colour,available in powdery form and is a wonderful way to satisfy your sweet tooth. Our raw cane sugar is made with time-honoured expertise in the most sustainable way by committed organic sugar cane farmers. This unrefined jaggery powder naturally contains molasses and is rich in iron. On the other hand, regular sugar is processed in distant mills where it is loaded with chemicals and stripped of its nutrients, making it one of the most harmful additions to our daily diet. By purchasing our raw cane sugar, you are not only taking a step in the right direction for your health but also giving back local sustainable farmers their agency!

SKU: BB83 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 2000 g