Re Earth Anti Hairfall Champu & Conditioner Bar


Seller : Reearth

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-With the goodness of pure Hibiscus and Shikakai infused with enticing aromas of Patchouli and Heena.

  • This Shampoo Bar or Champu Bar is soft on your hair and scalp and won’t deprive you of your natural oils.
  • Re Earth shampoo bars are made to be super fatty, which means they have more Fat and less Lye making them have your hair and scalp a conditioning effect.


  • Both Hibiscus and Heena are extremely effective for hair growth. They have great medicinal benefits.
  • The flowers and leaves of the hibiscus plant are utilized for a variety of approaches to battle hair fall induce hair development and facilitate new hair follicle growth.
  • This Shampoo Bar is also effective against split ends. Traditionally Hibiscus flower has been used in different oil infusions for calming effect and also been used to delay premature greying of hair.
  • Other ingredients like Brahmi, Shikakai, Jatamansi Nagarmotha & Jaswand Powders are highly effective in nourishing the hair from root to tip.
  • Re Earth Bars are SLS and Paraben Free and no Harmful chemicals or Artificial ingredients are used in the production of these bars.


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