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Unlock Weight Loss with Green Tea

On a journey towards weight loss, there are various strategies and solutions. And among these options, green tea stands out to be one of the most powerful ways to shed stubborn fats.

Green tea is a popular tea variety that is gaining popularity among health freaks for its potential health benefits. It originated in China around 4000 years ago. Now, it is popular and cultivated all across the globe.

Like black tea, green tea is also made from the leaves of the Camellia synthesis plant but undergoes minimal oxidation during processing. This retains green tea’s natural antioxidants and nutrients. Antioxidants help to detoxify our body and increase the rate of metabolism. But only green tea is enough for weight loss? Let’s find out the answer!

The Positive Link Between Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green tea holds a special spot in weight loss diets. The reasons are many. Organic green tea is a superb metabolism booster and contains lots of antioxidants. The main antioxidant present in green tea is EGCGs, it has anti-obesity properties. EGCGs help our body to break down more fats into our bloodstream for energy by maintaining healthy levels of fat-burning hormones like norepinephrine. EGCG also works as a natural appetite suppressant. It can reduce calorie intake and aid in weight loss.

Green tea helps in weight loss by increasing metabolism, a process to burns the fats in our body. Metabolism is the rate at which our body uses calories to produce energy from food. Consequently, the more our fats get burnt, the slimmer we become!

Green tea also contains a whole lot of caffeine. Caffeine is a kind of stimulator that is present in most tea variants like black tea, green tea and coffee. Caffeine gives you a boost before any physical activity and activities in your nervous system. And this is another reason to incorporate the best green tea for weight loss into your daily routine.

The calorie count in green tea is also very low. It carries almost 0 calories per 473g of green tea. That’s the reason it is recommended to take green tea to reduce belly fat. Drinking green tea on an empty stomach works well for speedy weight loss.

Sip on several cups of green tea with lemon and add on some exercise with a well-balanced diet to safely and successfully lose stubborn fat. However, consuming too much green tea might have negative effects on health, so keep a check on portion control.

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Contains Substances which helps in losing Fat

Green Tea has proven to be a very effective method to lose weight. Green tea contains caffeine which has been found to help in fat burning process. Green Tea is also loaded with an antioxidant called catechins which helps in healthy blood flow throughout the body and aids in fat burning process.

Utilizing Green Tea for Weight Reduction

Green tea for weight loss is a great choice but we should remember a few facts! Proper usage of green tea can give you an optimum result. So, here we are going to give you some tips about the best usage of green tea.

  • First, one should remember the process of brewing green tea. Green tea does not require over-boiling. You just need to boil the water and keep it on a rest for 5 minutes. Then pour the water on green tea leaves. Again allow a rest for 2-3 mins and remove the leaves.
  • Green tea does not require any addition to enhance its flavor like milk or sugar. You can simply brew the tea leaves and drink it. But remember, if you can’t accept the taste of green tea and desperately want to add some sweetness, you are not allowed to add table sugar. You can instead add a little bit of brown sugar to it. Over-flavoring may raise your calorie count.
  • Green tea tastes best in the early morning or in the evening. You can take this 60-90 minutes before a workout session for great weight loss. As caffeine and EGCG are contained in green tea, it will increase your fat oxidation process. Green tea should also be avoided at night because it is high in caffeine and can disrupt your sleep pattern.

Nutritional value of green tea

Green tea is a delicious beverage as well as a nutritional powerhouse! And that is the obvious reason to pick it for its health advantages. Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, green tea is a detox option for anyone trying to improve their general health and reduce belly fat. Use the table below to learn more about green tea’s nutritional content:

Serving Size- 16 fl oz (473g)
 % DV *
Total Fat 0g0%
Saturated Fat 0g0%
Cholesterol 0mg0%
Sodium 33.1mg1%
Total Carbohydrate 0g0%
Dietary Fiber 0g0%
Total Sugars 0g0%
Protein 0g0%
Vitamin C 0mg0%
Vitamin D 0 mcg0%
Iron 0mg0%
Calcium 4.7mg0%
Potassium 89.9mg2%
Phosphorus 123mg10%

Other Health benefits of Green Tea

Apart from weight loss , Green Tea has many other benefits too. Some of the other benefits of green tea are listed below:

  • Weight Loss
  • Prevention of cancer
  • Helps in type 2 diabetes
  • Helps in lowering cholesterol
  • Helps in keeping skin healthy
  • Helps in healing of wound
  • Antiallergic effect
  • Helps in improved brain functioning
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Oral care

Types of green tea

We are mostly familiar with the word ‘green tea’. And we think green tea is a true tea variant. But you will be surprised to know that there exist many other varieties of green tea. The mechanical methods used to dry the leaves and the environments in which they grow are the reasons behind this. The following are some varieties of green tea to be aware of to select the ideal one for a particular occasion or experimentation:


Sencha is the most common type of green tea. The method for making Sencha green tea is to steeply process entire green tea leaves in hot water. Sencha is distinguished from other teas by its somewhat sweet and slightly astringent qualities. Sencha is high in vitamin C and works wonders for wintertime common cold symptoms.


To make the Matcha green tea, only the best quality leaves are used. It also requires a special type of processing when leaves are dried and milled into a fine powder. This bright green powder when mixed with hot water provides very high amounts of natural nutrients and helps in rejuvenating healthy skin and detoxifying our body.


Shincha is a classic green tea. Shincha’s key feature is its vibrant flavour and delicate aroma of leaves. The name ‘Shincha’ means new tea or first harvested tea. It is less bitter & astringent and is supposed to have a higher content of amino acids, which give it full-bodied flavour and sweetness.


Japan’s famous Konacha green tea is a unique and versatile tea prized for its powder-like texture and intense flavour. Konacha is made from tea buds, small bits of leaves and leftovers after the other tea variants, particularly Sencha. Due to its fine texture, it dissolves quickly in water and gives a rapid infusion process. It retains health benefits including antioxidants and polyphenols that boost metabolism and promote weight loss.


Tencha green tea is shaded before harvest to enhance flavour. Hand-picked Tencha leaves are rich in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. These are excellent for raising metabolism and supplying more energy. Because it contains a lot of natural caffeine, this green tea helps to awaken and revitalize the body.

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What time of day is most beneficial for drinking green tea?

Believe me, there is no stricter rule on when you should drink green tea and when not. You can drink your favourite beverage, green tea depending on your mood, tastes and health objectives. Still, a lot of people set fixed times to drink green tea in the morning or the afternoon. Generally, it is advised to drink in the morning or the evening because it contains caffeine. This can improve mental alertness and give an energy boost, making it perfect for pre-workout. Furthermore, green tea has a high content of antioxidants known as catechins. It has some health advantages such as a lower chance of developing certain malignancies, and helps in weight loss. Drinking green tea on an empty stomach facilitates improved absorption of these antioxidants and may improve general health. To unwind and relax, some people, however, prefer to sip green tea in the evening. Remember, never overconsume green tea!

Common myths about green tea

Green tea is a highly regarded beverage across the world for its numerous health advantages and extensive cultural background. Although this ancient beverage has many health benefits, there are still some myths about it. Let us decode some basic misconceptions about green tea!

Myth 1: All green teas are the same in terms of health benefits

Most people think all types of green tea contain the same amount of caffeine and antioxidants. However, that information just isn’t sufficient. Green teas mostly come from the same tea plant that is Camelia synthesis but their production techniques vary, and so do their health benefits. For instance, Metcha green tea contains a maximum amount of antioxidants, compared to other green teas. Sencha, on the other hand, offers a high amount of catechin. Additionally, other factors like harvesting time, and condition play roles in tea’s nutritional profile. Therefore, assuming all teas are the same in the health benefits line, is not true.

Myth 2: Drinking more green tea will always be better for your health

Drinking green tea offers many health advantages, but consuming excessive amounts may not always be healthy for us. Overconsumption may lead to adverse effects. It can cause insomnia, digestive issues and increased heart rate due to its caffeine content. People also assume that the more you drink green tea every day, the faster you can lose weight. It is also a wrong conception. Instead, you can add green tea with lemon to your routine for an effective result. Experts say that a person shouldn’t drink more than four cups of green tea in a day.

Myth 3: Adding sweeteners or milk to green tea won’t affect its health benefits

Contrary to this popular belief, adding sweeteners or milk to green tea can affect its health benefits. Green tea naturally contains antioxidants and other health-promoting properties. And if you add sweeteners it will increase the calorie count and negate its health benefits. Additionally, adding milk can neutralize some of its health benefits, such as catechins. To fully reap the health benefits of green tea, it is best to drink it plain, without any additives. If you want, you can add a little bit of honey to your cup. The pair goes well as both the items contain antioxidants.

Myth 4: Green tea can completely replace the need for other healthy habits like exercise and a balanced diet

Many people begin drinking green tea with the belief that it will enable them to lose weight in a matter of days. But it is a completely wrong conception. Green tea is even recommended for weight loss by many dieticians and nutritionists as it contains antioxidants. Green tea for weight loss is merely the first step of the journey. Though in small amounts, it contains a stimulant that speeds up your metabolism. Studies suggest that consuming the best green tea for weight loss can boost metabolism and aid in burning fat. But, you won’t see statistically significant weight loss even if you only drink green tea. Rather, you can swap out other high-calorie drinks and snacks with green tea.

Myth 5: Green tea has healing properties for diseases

Though extensive studies have been conducted, there isn’t much proof that green tea may cure chronic diseases. Green tea is often held for its health properties, but its effect remains in question. The dried leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which contain compounds called polyphenols, are used to make green tea. People mistakenly believe that these compounds can cure cancer because they are high in antioxidants and protect DNA from damage caused by free radicals. Numerous experiments have been conducted on humans in an attempt to validate the idea, but findings make it challenging to draw definite conclusions. It’s important to remember that drinking green tea by itself is not likely to heal any diseases. Instead, it can be a nutritious diet and regular exercise to promote overall well-being.


Green tea proves to be more than just a drink. Its potential health benefits help you in the fight against obesity and general health issues. It is an excellent option for any weight loss program because of its high antioxidant content, and ability to speed up your metabolism.

But only green tea is not the solution! Green tea with lemon can be a good go. And of course pair green tea with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Remember green tea can open the door to a healthy route for weight loss and a balanced lifestyle. Thus, choose your tea properly, brew mindfully, and enjoy the path of being a better you!



It's a good idea to drink green tea or any other herbal tea at any time of day. But it is never acceptable to drink it just after eating a meal. Because green tea can affect the digestive system's ability to absorb essential nutrients. Green tea undoubtedly increases the production of certain digestive enzymes, such as bile, saliva, and gastric juice. But, if you drink it right after eating, these nutrients won't be absorbed to their full potential, because the polyphenols and caffeine can interrupt digestion. So, you should drink green tea 30 to 45 minutes after a meal. And it will be best if you drink it 2 hours before or after meals.

Green tea has a lot of good effects on our body. Regular consumption of green tea along with Ginger may help with weight loss and reduce belly fat. It lowers the risk of many other diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It appears that consuming three to five cups of green tea daily can maximize its health benefits. Try to take a cup of herbal green tea with ginger first thing in the morning to get the optimum result for weight loss in 1 month! To maximize its benefits, aim for at least two cups of the best green tea for weight loss per day.

The simple answer for weight loss is organic green tea! It is that tea variant that has several health advantages. It's also among the best teas for weight loss. Green tea consumption is associated with significant reductions in belly fat and overall weight. The reason behind this is, that green tea increases the rate of metabolism. As metabolism is directly linked with fat burning, herbal green tea is best to keep in your weight loss diet.

The best and most effective way to reduce body weight is by following a healthy and balanced diet. A proper diet along with exercise is way more effective than shedding a lot of food from your life. However, some foods have high-calorie levels which can work as an obstacle in your weight loss journey. Such foods are sugary beverages, baked, fried & processed foods and high-carb foods like refined flour or white rice.

There are various kinds of tea options in the market. Black tea, green tea and oolong tea are the three most common tea variants. And all three come from the Camelia synopsis plant. What differentiates them is the process technique. Often health experts recommend herbal green tea for its many health benefits. They say, drinking green tea on an empty stomach is the best for weight loss.

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