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What is Singhara and Its Benefits

What is Singhara (chestnut)?

Singhara or water chestnut is an aquatic plant with the scientific name Trapa natans. It grows very well in marshy or swampy regions and is also known as water chestnut, particularly in Southeast Asia.

The complete body of this plant is not edible, only a part of this plant is for use. The part that we can eat is a nut-like tuber – it grows underwater. These tubers have a crispy texture and slightly sweet flavor. It has many native names, varying from region to region. This plant is usually harvested during the autumn months. Singhara is eaten raw and used in various dishes after drying and grinding. What people love about this fruit is its crunchy texture and nutritional benefits.

Nutritional Value of Singhada

Here is a detailed breakdown of the nutritional value of Singhada

Nutrients Nutritional Value
Calories 95.6 kcal
Carbohydrates 21.46 g
Protein 0.86 g
Fat 0.37 g
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Vitamin B6 0.3 mg
Vitamin C 5.26 mg
Potassium 584 mg
Calcium 37.15 mg
Iron 0.06 mg

Singhara Benefits

Singhara or water chestnuts are a terrific superfood for a well-balanced diet because of their various health benefits. Its nutrient-rich composition includes potassium, vitamin C, fiber, and other nutrients that support heart health, immunity, digestion, and even relieve stress.

Singhara has another super important item for those who are wheat intolerant. Singhara flour, also known as singara atta, is a gluten-free grain alternative. Singhara’s high calcium and vitamin C concentration helps in weight loss, blood sugar control, and bone development. Here is a complete list of 10 Singhara benefits, presented below:

Singhara gives a strong immunity boost

This white-tricoloured fruit, singhara, is a superfood to make immunity stronger. A key component present in singhara that strengthens immunity, is vitamin C. It protects the body from viruses, infections, and harmful free radicals since it is an antioxidant. Consuming singhara regularly boosts your immune system, reducing your chance of disease and hastening your recuperation.

Helps to relieve hypertension

Singara, high in potassium, is crucial for controlling blood pressure. Potassium reverses the effects of salt to reduce blood vessel tension. Singhara is beneficial for people with hypertension because it encourages healthy blood circulation and reduces the risk of stroke, heart disease, and other conditions associated with high blood pressure.

Can be your weight loss friend

Singhara is a great food for weight loss because of its high dietary fiber content and low-calorie level. Its high fiber content suppresses appetite, regulates hunger signals, and heightens sensations of fullness. Singaraja can boost metabolism and digestion to a great extent. It is an excellent snack for anyone trying to lose weight.

Eases Jaundice Symptoms

Singhara has two sides, and both are beneficial to ease jaundice symptoms. It improves liver function and detoxifies the body. Its inherent diuretic qualities support enhanced bile production, better liver function, and internal detoxification. Studies indicate that singhara, an over-the-counter jaundice treatment, may aid the body’s natural healing process.

Good for heart health

Singhara is heart-healthy since it has lower fat and cholesterol content. Its antioxidants and potassium levels help to keep blood pressure stable and avoid oxidative stress. Regular use of singhara improves heart health overall by lowering the risk of heart disease. At the same time, it maintains heart function and boosts circulation.

Makes your skin shiny

Singhara protects the skin from free radical damage. This is the reason behind premature aging. Singhara has a good amount of antioxidants and a high vitamin E content. These nutrients increase the skin’s elasticity, which reduces fine lines and wrinkles. By hydrating and revitalizing the skin, vitamin E helps to preserve the skin’s inherent attractiveness. Regular use of singhara may make skin appear more vibrant and young.

Regulates blood sugar level

Singhara is an excellent option for controlling blood sugar levels due to its high fiber content and low glycemic index. It lessens sudden spikes in blood sugar by slowing the rate at which sugars enter the bloodstream. Singhara is a fantastic food option for people with diabetes or those who want to naturally maintain controlled blood sugar levels.

Strengthens bones

Calcium and vitamin C are two singhara components that are necessary for strong bones. As you know, vitamin C encourages the production of collagen, which boosts bone density and flexibility. On the other hand, calcium-fortified teeth and bones. Calcium is an essential component needed for good bone health. By preventing diseases like osteoporosis, regular usage of singhara assures stronger bones and reduces the chance of fractures.

Helps to reduce stress and anxiety

Magnesium and B vitamins are two components present in singhara that can aid in reducing anxiety and tension. These nutrients aid in the creation of neurotransmitters that regulate mood and brain activity. Singhara’s calming properties can improve overall mental health by helping to manage stress-related symptoms like mental tiredness, sleeplessness, and sluggishness.

Purifies blood cells

The antioxidants in singhara help the body to detoxify by scavenging free radicals. As a result, this improves the body’s filtration and circulation process naturally. This ensures that essential nutrients are dispersed throughout the body. Ultimately, our body will improve overall welfare, more uniformly distributed skin tone, and greater organ function. We suggest you include singhara in your diet daily to keep the blood pure and increase vitality overall.

Singhara Atta And Its Benefits

Singhara atta, or water chestnut flour, is a popular gluten-free flour substitute. This atta is prepared from powdered and dried water chestnuts. It is frequently used and consumed by devotees during fasting periods in India, particularly during Navratri or other pujas. You can use this flour to make halwa, puris, and pancakes as well. It’s also tasty, nutritious, and light enough.

How singhara atta is made

Like normal atta preparation, singhara atta making involves some easy process. Singhara or water chestnuts are first peeled and dried in the sun or using another drying technique. Once the chestnuts are dry and sieved, they are ground into a fine powder to make singhara atta. The process is as easy as that.

Benefits of Singhara Atta

Singhara atta is gluten-Free

Singhara atta is a great alternative to normal wheat flour. This atta proves to be a great help for those who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease. Unlike wheat, which contains gluten, singhara atta can be safely consumed without causing digestive discomfort or any other issues.

Rich in nutrients and other vitamins

We have mentioned earlier that, singhara is packed with many vital nutrients and vitamins. Naturally, singhara atta possesses all the essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, iron, and B vitamins, which support overall health.

Promotes digestive health

Singhara atta is high in dietary fiber, which is essential for a healthy digestive system. Fiber encourages regular bowel motions and helps prevent constipation and its consequences. It supports a healthy population of gut bacteria, which progressively enhances digestion. This is particularly useful if you’re fasting, as eating diverse things might occasionally slow down your digestion.

An energy dose

Carbohydrates are Singhara atta’s primary and most practical energy source. Singhara atta lowers fatigue and maintains energy levels during fasting or intense exercise. For those who need steady energy throughout the day, this is the ideal lunch choice.

Avoid stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcers can be avoided with singhara. It possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It reduces acidity and soothes the stomach, two things that might cause ulcers. Its high fiber content also lowers the risk of inflammation and irritation. These two conditions can lead to stomach ulcers and affect the digestive system.


Singhara offers an all-encompassing strategy for both physical and emotional well-being, whether applied topically or consumed within oneself. Because of its high content of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, it supports a healthy digestive system, boosts the immune system, and encourages heart health. Visit our website Orgo All-Natural today to order singhara atta and other organic products!


Singhara is called water chestnut in English. It is a kind of crunchy aquatic vegetable often used in Asian and Indian cuisines.

Boiling singhara or water chestnut is very simple. Start by washing the fruits thoroughly with clean water to remove any dirt. Next place them in a pot of water, where the fruits should be fully submerged in water. Boil for 10-15 minutes until they become soft. Once it is boiled, drain the water and let it cool. Now, peel the outer skin off with your hand. You will get a white, crunchy nut-like inside. Enjoy them as a snack or use them in recipes.

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