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Health Benefits of Black Tea

In the realm of health and wellness, black tea proves to be a stalwart companion for offering many health benefits. Apart from this, Black Tea is the second most consumed beverage after tea and is consumed by more than two-thirds of the world’s population.

Black tea basically comes from the Camellia sinensis plant and has a very rich flavour and high caffeine content. It has a multitude of health benefits from heart health to weight loss.

Though black tea is an all-time consumable drink. In this article, we will discuss about ten amazing benefits and guide you on how and when to take this. So, stay with us, till the end!

Benefits of Drinking Black Tea

The rich flavours of black tea bring enjoyment to your morning tea table or in your evening relaxation! Organic black tea has so many health benefits. It contains antioxidants that help in reducing inflammation and purification of the entire body.

With regular consumption of the best black tea, you can achieve some potential improvements. Additionally, the antioxidant properties of black tea contribute to better cognitive function, fortifying both body and mind. Like Green tea, the antioxidants present in black tea have an equal effect on weight loss, probably this is the reason that elevates its popularity. This is not the end, we are putting together a list below with ten benefits in detail!

Black tea boosts heart health

Heart health is a common factor to focus on, and incorporating the best black tea into your routine might be a valuable step for cardiovascular well-being. Black tea contains flavonoids (an antioxidant) which reduce cholesterol and help in heart health. It reduces high blood pressure, high cholesterol, raised triglyceride levels, obesity, and other heart disease risk factors.

According to research, if one drinks a cup of organic black tea regularly, there is a 4% reduced chance of dying from heart disease, a 2% lower risk of dying from a heart attack and other cardiovascular events, and a 4% lower risk of dying from a stroke. Another study indicates that daily tea consumers are 10% less likely to experience significant cardiac events, such as heart attacks, and 8% less likely to develop heart disease.

heart health

Weight loss benefits of black tea

Black tea contains catechins which is a type of flavonoid antioxidant, that helps in weight loss. It speeds up the fat oxidation and helps in decreasing body fat. Also, caffeine present in black tea acts as a stimulant and helps in fat burning process. Black tea also contains tannins, which suppresses appetite and gives you a feeling of fullness which ultimately helps you to lose weight. Polyphenols present in black tea helps in the breakdown of fat molecules inside the body.

Try Orgo All-Natural’s best black tea with honey instead of any artificial sugar.

Also, organic black tea is a low-calorie beverage with numerous health benefits. One 8-ounce or 240 ml of black tea contains just 2 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of protein, and 0 grams of carbohydrates.

Lowers high cholesterol levels

Cholesterol may harm our health severely especially if it poses a risk to our heart. Organic black tea can keep a check on controlling our cholesterol levels.

There are two kinds of lipoproteins found in the body that are responsible for distributing cholesterol throughout the body. HDL is the high-density lipoprotein, whereas LDL is the low-density lipoprotein.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is called a ‘bad’ lipoprotein for carrying cholesterol to all of the body’s cells. Whereas, HDL is regarded as the ‘good’ lipoprotein since it carries cholesterol out of your cells and into your liver.

Excess LDL cholesterol can accumulate in the arteries and form waxy deposits known as plaques in the arteries. It imposes the risk of heart failure and stroke. According to one study, consuming black tea lowers LDL cholesterol by 4.64 mg/dL.

Black tea improves gut health

Black tea is rich in polyphenols and other antioxidants. It promotes gut health by fostering a diverse microbiome. Polyphenols have prebiotic properties and assist in nourishing beneficial gut bacteria.
Good gut bacteria in the stomach help in overall well-being and lower the chances of developing certain diseases like obesity, bowel-related diseases, diabetes, etc. Studies have shown that drinking 3-4 cups of black tea increases the presence of healthy gut bacteria inside the stomach.
Polyphenols help in the growth of beneficial bacteria and discourage the growth of harmful bacteria which results in a healthy gut.

gut health

Reduce blood pressure

A study has shown that those who drank black tea regularly experienced a decrease in their blood pressure. Also, there were significant drops in lower systolic blood pressure by 4.81 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.98 mm Hg in people with hypertension.

Organic black tea contains compounds like theaflavins and thearubigins. These components are directly linked to lowering blood pressure. These compounds help to dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow and reducing hypertension.

People with high blood pressure may benefit from drinking the best black tea regularly in addition to making other lifestyle changes, such as learning other stress management techniques.

Reduce the risk of stroke

Black tea consumption has a direct link to reducing the risk of stroke due to its high content of flavonoids, particularly catechins and theaflavins.

When a blood artery in the brain bursts or becomes blocked, it may result in a stroke. But 80% of strokes can be avoided by controlling your blood pressure, diet, exercise, and smoking.

It’s interesting to note that research suggests organic black tea consumption may also lower the risk of stroke. Studies have shown that drinking 2-3 cups of black tea daily reduces the risk of certain types of heart strokes.

The antioxidants have shown potential power in improving cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation, improving blood vessel function, and preventing the formation of blood clots.

Lowers blood sugar level

Health issues like type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, renal failure, and depression are linked with high blood sugar levels. The pancreas secretes the hormone insulin in response to sugar consumption. Insulin allows glucose to enter cells, where it is stored as glycogen. Whereas, a separate hormone called glucagon is released when the body needs energy and helps the body break down glycogen. When you take in more sugar than your body can store as glycogen, the extra sugar is turned into fat.

The consumption of organic black tea may reduce the blood glucose level and stimulate insulin production. Polyphenols, particularly catechins and theaflavins, help inhibit enzymes that break down carbohydrates, leading to slower absorption of sugars in the bloodstream.

Black tea reduces the risk of cancer

Organic black tea contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which have been linked to reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.

Black tea’s polyphenols may aid in promoting cancer cell death and slowing the growth of some cancers. Studies suggest that regular consumption of black tea may decrease the risk of developing cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, breasts, ovaries, lungs, and thyroid. Also drinking tea reduces the risk of oral cancer.

In another study on the effect of drinking green and black tea on the risk of endometrial cancer, it was found that one cup of green tea per day was associated with an 11% reduced risk of developing endometrial cancer.

Black tea for stress relief

Black tea is more than just a caffeine kick! It is rich in L-theanine, a kind of amino acid known for its calming effects. It helps to alleviate stress and promote relaxation. The combination of L-theanine with caffeine fosters a state of focused alertness.

Also, organic black tea helps to normalize and lower the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. Moreover, people who drank tea de-stressed more quickly than those who drank a tea substitute, according to research from University College London (UCL). Having black tea also helps to calm your thoughts and improves your ability to focus.

Skin benefits of drinking black tea

Black tea offers numerous skin benefits for being antioxidant-rich, particularly polyphenols and catechins. These compounds fight against free radicals, oxidative stress and premature aging.

Because black tea contains tannins, polyphenols, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B2, C, and E, it may be beneficial for skin nourishment too. Its caffeine content reduces skin acne. Regular consumption of organic black tea can increase your collagen production. Eventually, it will enhance your skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

skin health

Antioxidant Properties of Black Tea

Black tea is a simple and convenient method to include antioxidants in your diet and maybe lower your chance of developing health issues down the road.

Antioxidants have many well-established health benefits including weight loss. Eating them can aid in the body’s elimination of free radicals and reduction of cell damage. In the end, this might contribute to a lower risk of chronic illness. Black tea contains a particular kind of antioxidant called polyphenols. Catechins, theaflavins, and thearubigins are the primary polyphenolic groups that provide antioxidants in organic black tea and may be beneficial to general health. Black tea’s theaflavins and thearubigins and their association with diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol. The best black tea with ginger works magically on your health. In a study, it was shown that those who drank 690 mg of black tea catechins every day over 12 weeks had a reduction in body fat.

Reduces risk of diabetes

As black tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, due to which the consumption of black tea might help in reducing the risk of diabetes.

Improves Focus

Black tea contains caffeine theanine which improves activity in brains resulting in improved focus and overall mental health. Studies have shown that drinking black tea regularly helps in reducing cognitive impairment.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Black tea contains polyphenols which helps in fighting cancer cells. Studies have shown that drinking black tea regularly reduces the chances of skin and oral cancer.

Black Tea Risks

Black Tea has many benefits and drinking it in moderate amounts has many health benefits. But drinking large amounts of black tea may cause some damage to overall health. Black Tea has caffeine which mainly causes major side effects.

Some of the side effects of black tea are:

  • Anxiety
  • Headcahe
  • Heart related issues
  • Tremors
  • High blood pressure
  • Nausea and Nervousness
  • Anemia

Effects of caffeine

Black has 2-5 % of caffeine. Consuming too much caffeine effects people who have high sensitivity to caffeine. They may experience issues like:

  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • diarrhea
  • blood pressure related issues
  • issues related to eyes


Black tea contains tannins which reduces body’s tendency to absorb iron. That is why it is recommended that people suffering from iron deficiency should not consume black tea in high amounts.

Best Time to Drink Black Tea

You can consume black tea at any time of the day! Black tea, with its moderate caffeine content, proves to be an excellent morning pick-me-up. However, its versatility extends to the afternoon, offering a soothing option for relaxation. But you just have to keep in mind about its caffeine content. In contrast to other teas, the best black tea has between 50 mg- 90 mg of caffeine per cup. Caffeine overindulgence can cause anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia. Therefore, it is recommended not to drink it right before bedtime. Rather you should limit your daily caffeine consumption to no more than 400 milligrams to prevent any health issues.

Black Tea vs. Green Tea: Health Comparison

While green tea frequently takes center stage, it’s essential not to overlook the distinct health benefits offered by black tea.

Many health experts often speak for green tea as a good agent for our heart health. Organic black tea is equally important for offering many health benefits.

Both green and black tea are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The primary distinction between the two is that green tea is not oxidized while black tea is.

The process of oxidation begins with rolling the leaves and ends with exposing them to air to make black tea. The reaction turns the leaves a deep brown colour and enhances and intensifies the taste.

In contrast, black tea is much darker in colour than green tea because green tea is processed to avoid oxidation.

Both teas are beneficial for heart health and brain function. Both are packed with powerful antioxidants and caffeine content. Their main difference lies in flavour and colour. Now it is your choice whether you prefer a strong black tea or a milder green tea.

Here a table for green tea vs black tea comparison:

ParameterGreen TeaBlack Tea
Caffeine Green tea has lesser caffeine. It has 29 mg of caffeine per serving. Black tea has high caffeine content. It has 48 mg of caffeine per serving.
Health benefitsweight loss, supports heart health, improved brain health.lowers cholesterol levels, reduces chances of cancer, Improves focus.
Calories2-3 calories per cup2-3 calories per cup of serving
TasteHas lighter and grassier tasteHas stronger and nuttier taste
Antioxidantscontains antioxidants like: catechins, theanine.contains antioxidants like: theaflavins and polyphenols.
green tea vs black tea


Infusing the best black tea into your daily routine extends beyond the joy of sipping a delightful beverage. This tea encompasses a spectrum of health benefits, ranging from contributing to heart health to providing stress relief. The antioxidant properties of black tea are also a very good friend in your weight loss journey. But black tea means a lot of caffeine along with its other health goods. You just have to take care of consumption. But don’t think that the caffeine in black tea is the only kind you get. The caffeine present in all of your food and drugs must be included in your overall intake. So, befriend black tea and make it your daily habit to enjoy its health goods!


  1. The Journal of Nutrition : Antioxidant Activity of Black Tea vs. Green Tea
  2. National Library of Medicine : Association between Green and Black Tea
  3. National Library of Medicine : Evidences of health benefits of drinking black tea


No, the black tea is not a good idea to drink at night. Drinking black tea at night may impose some negative effects on your health as caffeine inhibits your sleep. Instead, you should stick to herbal teas, as they contain little to no caffeine. Another option is to cold brew your tea because of its low caffeine content.

Yes, you can. However, adding sugar to your black tea increases the calorie count. So it is not recommended for maintaining good health especially when you are trying to lose weight. It will be better if you add some Honey with it.

Yes, black tea works very effectively to reduce belly fat. Of all the tea varieties, black tea has the highest amount of caffeine content. Caffeine raises metabolic rate and gives you more energy. Consequently, consuming black tea before workout could improve your body's performance and hasten the loss of a few excess pounds. Additionally, caffeine causes a rise in body temperature. An increase in body temperature causes processes that enhance vitamin and nutrient metabolism and, in turn, promote fat burning.

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