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Guru Purnima 2024

Guru Purnima 2024 : Date and Time

Before we go deeper, we should know that the word ‘guru’ consists of two words, i.e., ‘gu’ meaning darkness and ignorance and ‘ru’ meaning dispeller or eliminator. Guru Purnima is observed to recognize the guru’s invaluable role in guiding their student towards knowledge and wisdom. This day has a special place in Indian culture and it is followed by Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains with various rituals and ceremonies.

Guru Purnima 2023 : Date and Time

Last year, Guru Purnima was observed on July 3, Monday. The auspicious hour of Purnima Tithi began at 8:21 p.m. on July 2 and it lasted till 5:08 p.m. on July 3. On this holy day, people across the country paid tribute to their gurus and spiritual mentors for playing a crucial role in expanding knowledge and wisdom. Rituals associated with Guru Purnima celebrations usually involve praying, doing pujas, and thanking one’s gurus.

Guru Purnima 2024: History and Significance

Guru Purnima is of course a significant festival in Indian tradition. The day is dedicated to teachers and spiritual guides to recognize and honor their roles in our lives. It is an age-long custom in Hindu as well as all Indian traditions. Its origins trace back to the sage Ved Vyasa. That’s why the other name of Guru Purnima is Vyasa Purnima. Ved Vyasa was the author of the Mahabharata and the Puranas, and the one who divided and edited the Vedas into their current form. Ved Vyasa is considered the “Maha Guru,” who is believed to bestow blessings that dispel ignorance and illuminate knowledge.

Not only in Hinduism, Guru Purnima has special meaning in other Indian Dharmic religions. For example, Buddhist text describes that Gautama Buddha delivered his first sermon to his initial five disciples on the day of Purnima. This led to the formation of his “sangha” or community of followers. From then on the day is known as Guru Purnima. This event is pivotal in Buddhist history and it symbolizes the spread of Buddha’s teachings.

Jain tradition celebrates the day of Guru Purnima in honor of Lord Mahavira, the 24th and last Tirthankara (spiritual teacher) of Jainism. On this day, Mahavira became the Guru to his first disciple, Gautam Swami. This occasion underscores the importance of the guru-disciple relationship in Jainism. Mahavira is regarded as the founder of modern Jainism and is known for his teachings on non-violence, truth, non-stealing, and non-possession.

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Guru Purnima 2024: Rituals

Guru Purnima is celebrated in various ways in various religions. However, we are giving you an overview of the rituals of this auspicious occasion.

Guru Pooja

On this day, devotees generally keep fasting and they offer special prayers/do pooja for their gurus. They present fruits, flowers, candies, and other presents to the guru as a token of respect. In Hindu tradition, people chant mantras and recite holy texts like Guru Gita. They distribute prasadam and Charanamritha to others.

Chanting Mantras and Ancient Texts

In Buddhism, Guru Purnima is also a time for meditation and self-reflection. Buddhists organize Uposatha and read about the eight teachings of Gautam Buddha. Followers often meditate on the teachings and contemplate how to incorporate these teachings into their lives.

Seek Blessing from Gurus and offer Guru Dakshina.

It is customary to offer Guru Dakshina to the guru on this day. Guru Dakshina is a kind of donation or gift to show respect. This can be in the form of money, clothes, or any other item of value as a token of appreciation for the guru’s guidance.

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Guru Purnima 2024 Status

Guru Purnima 2024 Status in English:

  • Wishing you a blessed Guru Purnima! Grateful for the wisdom and guidance of our Gurus.
  • On this Guru Purnima, let us pay homage to our spiritual teachers.
  • May the blessings of our Gurus light up our path. Happy Guru Purnima 2024!
  • To the one who showed us the way, Happy Guru Purnima!
  • Grateful for the guiding light of our Gurus. Happy Guru Purnima 2024!
  • Honoring the wisdom and compassion of our Gurus. Happy Guru Purnima!
  • May your life be filled with knowledge and enlightenment. Happy Guru Purnima!
  • On this Guru Purnima, let’s express gratitude to our Gurus.
  • May the teachings of our Gurus always inspire and enlighten us. Happy Guru Purnima!
  • Celebrating the divine bond between Guru and disciple. Happy Guru Purnima 2024!
  • To the guiding lights in our lives, Happy Guru Purnima!
  • A day to be thankful for the invaluable teachings of our Gurus. Happy Guru Purnima!
  • May the grace of the Guru always be with you. Happy Guru Purnima!
  • Saluting the selfless service of our Gurus. Happy Guru Purnima!
  • To the one who leads us from darkness to light, Happy Guru Purnima!
  • Celebrating the eternal wisdom of our Gurus. Happy Guru Purnima!
  • May the blessings of the Guru be with you always. Happy Guru Purnima 2024!
  • Grateful for the eternal wisdom of our Gurus. Happy Guru Purnima!
  • Honoring the legacy of our spiritual guides. Happy Guru Purnima!
  • On this sacred day, let’s honor our Gurus with love and respect. Happy Guru Purnima 2024!

Guru Purnima 2024 Status in Hindi:

  • गुरु पूर्णिमा की शुभकामनाएँ! गुरुओं की शिक्षा और मार्गदर्शन के लिए आभारी हूँ।
  • इस गुरु पूर्णिमा पर अपने आध्यात्मिक शिक्षकों को नमन करें।
  • हमारे गुरुओं का आशीर्वाद हमारे पथ को रोशन करे। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमें सही मार्ग दिखाने वाले को, शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमारे गुरुओं की रोशनी के लिए आभारी हूँ। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमारे गुरुओं की बुद्धिमता और करुणा को सम्मान दें। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • आपका जीवन ज्ञान और प्रकाश से भरा रहे। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • इस गुरु पूर्णिमा पर, अपने गुरुओं को धन्यवाद दें।
  • हमारे गुरुओं की शिक्षाएँ हमें हमेशा प्रेरित और प्रबुद्ध करें। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • गुरु और शिष्य के बीच के दिव्य बंधन को मनाएँ। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमारे जीवन के मार्गदर्शकों को, शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमारे गुरुओं की अमूल्य शिक्षाओं के लिए धन्यवाद देने का दिन। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • गुरु की कृपा हमेशा आपके साथ रहे। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमारे गुरुओं की निस्वार्थ सेवा को सलाम। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमें अंधकार से प्रकाश की ओर ले जाने वाले को, शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमारे गुरुओं की अनन्त बुद्धिमता का जश्न मनाएँ। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • गुरु का आशीर्वाद हमेशा आपके साथ रहे। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमारे गुरुओं की अनन्त बुद्धिमता के लिए आभारी हूँ। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • हमारे आध्यात्मिक मार्गदर्शकों की विरासत को सम्मान दें। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!
  • इस पवित्र दिन पर, अपने गुरुओं को प्रेम और सम्मान के साथ नमन करें। शुभ गुरु पूर्णिमा!

Guru Purnima 2024 Quotes

Here are 20 famous Guru Purnima quotes:

“Guru is the lamp that illuminates the path of knowledge.” – Swami Vivekananda.

“A Guru is not someone who holds a torch for you. He is the torch.” – Sadhguru.

“A Guru helps you discover the potential that was always within you.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

“Guru Purnima is a day to be grateful for the life-transforming guidance of the Guru.” – Deepak Chopra.

“The Guru is like the sun, showing the path to all but not demanding anything in return.” – Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma)

“A true Guru is the one who makes you realize your potential and helps you awaken the consciousness within.” – Paramahansa Yogananda.

“A Guru’s job is not to remove the hurdles on your path but to make you stronger to face them.” – Osho.

“The Guru-disciple relationship is the foundation of the spiritual path.” – Ram Dass.

“A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.” – Unknown (often attributed to Haim G. Ginott)

“The Guru is the ladder that helps you climb the mountain of self-realization.” – Anandmurti Gurumaa.

“The Guru is not someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the student to give their best.” – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

“A Guru is like a sculptor who chisels you into a masterpiece.” – Sri Chinmoy.

“The role of a Guru is to awaken the light within and help us see the world in a new way.” – Jaggi Vasudev (Sadhguru)

“Without the Guru, there is no knowledge, and without knowledge, there is no freedom.” – Sai Baba.

“The best Guru is the one who shows you where to look but doesn’t tell you what to see.” – Alexandra K. Trenfor.

“The Guru is not a person but the divine guiding light within.” – Mooji.

“The Guru is like a mirror that reflects your true self.” – Shirdi Sai Baba.

“The presence of a Guru in one’s life is the greatest blessing.” – Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.

“The Guru is the one who brings you back to yourself.” – Thich Nhat Hanh.

“The true Guru teaches the essence of spirituality and awakens the soul.” – Swami Sivananda.


Guru Purnima is not marked as a national school holiday in our country. But in some cases, educational institutions could commemorate it as a holiday, especially those that heavily emphasize traditional Indian culture and spirituality. However, different schools in different regions may celebrate Guru Purnima as a holiday.

Making a Guru Purnima card is quite easy. To make a card, fold a piece of paper in two. Place a printed image or painting of a guru, a few significant items, and a light or lotus on the front. Include a heartfelt message expressing gratitude and respect. Apply finishing touches such as paints, decals, or further embellishments.

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