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10 Best Seeds for Health

Doctors and dietitians will always give the thumbs up to the seeds when the question arises on nutrition. Because seeds are considered the powerhouse of various nutrients like protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. These are anyway relevant to fulfill our nutritional needs. There is a plethora of nutritional seeds that we can bring on our plates. Here, our content will be based on 10 types of different seeds, their benefits, and the ways to incorporate them into our diet.

Chia Seeds

100 grams of chia seeds contain 38.9 g of fiber and 16.7 g of protein.
Chia seeds are obtained from a herbaceous plant called Salvia Hispanica. Chia seeds are small but they are immensely rich in protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds help you to lose weight plus it reduces the risk of heart attack and keeps the blood sugar level lower. It is a very good source of antioxidants which makes the body toxins free lessens colon cancer risk.

Tip: Chia seeds smoothies/shakes are very delicious.

Sprinkle dry whole chia into salads and enjoy the crunch.

Also Read:- Benefits of Chia Seeds For Weight loss


100 g of flax seeds contain 27.3 g of fiber and 18.29 g of protein.

Like the chia seeds, flax seeds are also a good source of nutrients. It comes from flax plants, cultivated around the world. The numerous health benefits of flax seeds include low cancer risk, low cholesterol, good digestion, controlled blood glucose, and obviously healthy skin and hair. Flax seeds are also enriched with micronutrients like sodium(30 mg/per 100g) and potassium(813 mg/per 100g).
Tip: Add a spoon full of ground flax seeds to your breakfast cereal or bake into cookies, cakes, breads etc.

Also Read:- 10 Best Seeds for Health


100g of sunflower seeds hold 33.2mg of Vitamin E which is 166% of daily value, and minerals like selenium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, and iron.

We are very much familiar with the beauty of sunflowers but the seeds of the flower are hidden gems. Sunflower seeds are very beneficial to our brain health as vitamin E has a neuroprotective effect and zinc helps in synaptic transmission and brain growth. Doctors suggest sunflower seeds to reduce Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. Additionally Sunflower seeds are helpful to a healthy heart, reduce hypertension, prevent anemia, and bone health. It is also beneficial to female health as it contains iron which causes pretension to anemia.

Tip: Sunflower seeds taste best raw or toasted. Use ground seeds to make batter for cakes and cookies.

Also Read:- Best chia seeds Brands


100g of pumpkin seeds contains 262mg of magnesium, 8.54g of fatty acids, and 8mg of zinc.

Popularly known as Pepitas, these small seeds are packed with magnesium, fatty acids, zinc and many more. Pumpkin seeds drastically reduce the risk of cancer and bladder stones. It also lowers the chances of urinary disorder and prostate. Pumpkin seeds help the women with PCOS.

Also Read:- Best Basil Seeds Brands

Tip: Mix in your oatmeal breakfast, sprinkle on salad, blend with smoothies.


Hemp is Popularly known as cumin, caraway seeds have a magical effect to lose weight. It contains anti-cancer properties and controls blood glucose. From ancient times, it has been used to contain diarrhea.

Tip: To get the best result, drink cumin water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

Also Read:- Chia seeds Benefits


100g of sesame seeds hold 1450mg of calcium along with other minerals.

Commonly known as “Til”, sesame seeds are helpful to reduce hypertension and improve hormonal balance. It contains lignans which lowers the risk of heart problems, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms and breast cancer.

Tip: Raw, baked or toasted- all give a nutty flavor.


100g of basil seeds contain 14.8g of protein and 13.8g of lipids. 63.8g of carbohydrate, 22.6g of fiber

Basil or sweet basil are rich in dietary fiber and many minerals. Minerals play roles in bone health and muscle function. And the fiber content in basil keeps blood sugar in control and lowers cholesterol level. It acts as a flavorless stabilizer and thickener.

Tip: Add soaked basil seeds to dishes like smoothies, milkshakes, soups, pudding or oatmeal.


100g of basil seeds contain 14.8g of protein and 13.8g of lipids. 63.8g of carbohydrate, 22.6g of fiber

Basil or sweet basil are rich in dietary fiber and many minerals. Minerals play roles in bone health and muscle function. And the fiber content in basil keeps blood sugar in control and lowers cholesterol level. It acts as a flavorless stabilizer and thickener.

Tip: Add soaked basil seeds to dishes like smoothies, milkshakes, soups, pudding or oatmeal.


100g of Caraway seeds contain 18g of protein and 1788mg of potassium. It is cholesterol free.

Popularly known as cumin, caraway seeds have a magical effect to lose weight. It contains anti-cancer properties and controls blood glucose. From ancient times, it has been used to contain diarrhea.

Tip: To get the best result, drink cumin water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.


Chia seeds can be consumed on a regular basis using many ways. It can be consumed like a cereal, with salads, with cakes etc.

Flax seeds can be consumed along with smoothies, salads, cereal etc.

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