Fouziya’s Cooking Schezwan Sauce


Seller : Fouziyascooking

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Handcrafted in small batches. Perhaps ours is the only Schezwan Sauce that is made with “Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce”! It packs quite a punch into your Chinese stir-fries, veg or non-veg dishes and tastes just as good as a spicy dip. What’s more, it works well as a bread spread or on a chappati roll! Change for the better, embrace good health…eat natural!

Ingredients: Dry red chilli, onion, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, fresh herbs, spices, cold pressed sunflower oil, fruit vinegar, naturally brewed soya sauce, raw sugar(khandsari) and unprocessed salt.

Flavour: Hot and Spicy

Quantity: 200 gms

Shelf life: 12 months from the date of pack

SKU: FCOOK10 Category:


Storage and handling instruction: This is a zero preservative product. Once opened consume within 4/5 weeks.  Always close lid and refrigerate after opening. Always use a dry spoon. Please note: If proper usage and storage instructions are not strictly followed, it may lead to spoilage.

Additional information

Weight 200 g



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